Sunday, Jul 7th, 2013
DEFCON and Blackhat
by Angelo Plus+

Since a good portion of us will be in Vegas for the conferences, and there is a dearth of after-hours activities at DEFCON, we may schedule a small shindig…stay tuned

Monday, Feb 4th, 2013
February Meeting
by Iv0ryW0lf

It’s time again.  We are meeting at Geekdom (downtown at The Weston Centre, 112 East Pecan, 11th Floor) on Wednesday, February 6th.  Pizza is at 6pm (maybe)  and the meeting is from 7pm to 9pm.  So bring your presentations, stories, or and alcohol.

Wednesday, Jan 9th, 2013
January Meetup
by Angelo Plus+

The meeting for January will be at our new location at Geekdom (downtown at The Weston Centre, 112 East Pecan, 11th Floor) on Wednesday, January 9th. Pizza is at 6pm and the meeting is from 7pm to 9pm. We have quite a few presenters, so it should be a good one. You should make it.